Introduction: The Untold Story of Janice Bryant’s Rise to Success

Get ready to be inspired by the phenomenal Janice Bryant Howroyd, a trailblazer in the business world. She is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, innovator, and author.

As the founder and CEO of The ActOne Group, she has shattered glass ceilings and achieved the remarkable feat of owning a billion-dollar company.

Join us on a journey through her extraordinary life and career, filled with resilience, determination, and groundbreaking achievements. Let’s delve into the story of a true visionary and top business mogul in the business industry.

Early Life and Career Beginnings

A Humble Beginning

Janice Bryant Howroyd’s journey to becoming a top mogul in the business world began in Tarboro, North Carolina, where she was born into a modest family on September 1, 1952(Virgo).

Growing up with a strong work ethic and resilience instilled in her from a young age, Howroyd learned the value of hard work and determination early on.

Her humble beginnings would later shape her entrepreneurial spirit and drive for success.

From Secretary to Entrepreneur

Starting her career as a temporary secretary, Howroyd gained valuable experience and skills that would lay the foundation for her future endeavors.

Despite her initial role, she saw beyond the everyday tasks and envisioned a future where she could create something significant.

This period of her life marked the beginning of her journey towards entrepreneurship and paved the way for her to establish herself as a formidable businesswoman in the years to come.

Seizing Opportunities

In 1978, Janice Bryant Howroyd seized the opportunity to turn her vision into reality by founding The ACT 1 Group. With a keen eye for business and a determination to succeed, she embarked on a journey that would lead her to build and own a billion-dollar company.

Howroyd’s decision to step into the world of entrepreneurship was fueled by her belief in her abilities and the opportunities that lay ahead, propelling her towards unprecedented success in the business world.

A Steady Rise

Despite starting small, Howroyd’s company, Act-1, grew steadily over the years, reflecting her dedication and unwavering commitment to excellence.

As she expanded the company’s offerings and diversified its services, Act-1’s reputation as a leading staffing agency in the United States began to solidify.

Howroyd’s perseverance and strategic vision enabled her to navigate challenges and setbacks, paving the way for Act-1’s growth and success in the competitive business landscape.

ActOne Group

The Birth of Act-1

In 1978, Janice Bryant Howroyd took a leap of faith and founded her own company, The ACT 1 Group, marking the beginning of a groundbreaking journey in the business world. With a keen eye for opportunities and a strong entrepreneurial spirit, Howroyd saw the potential to make a difference in the personnel services industry.

  • Starting small, Act-1 steadily grew under Howroyd’s dedicated leadership, showcasing her unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation.
  • Howroyd’s vision and determination allowed Act-1 to evolve and expand its offerings, setting the stage for the company’s remarkable success in the years to come.

As Act-1 flourished, it became evident that Howroyd’s forward-thinking approach and strategic decisions were steering the company towards greatness.

Through her relentless pursuit of growth and a customer-centric mindset, Howroyd positioned Act-1 as a prominent player in the staffing industry.

  • The company’s reputation for providing exceptional service to clients and job seekers solidified its standing as a trusted partner in the business community.
  • Act-1’s dedication to excellence and its focus on delivering top-notch employee background checks and executive travel management services further fueled its success and expansion.

The journey of Act-1 epitomizes Howroyd’s remarkable ability to transform challenges into opportunities and obstacles into stepping stones towards success. With a clear vision and a strong sense of purpose, Howroyd laid the foundation for Act-1 to become a billion-dollar enterprise, breaking barriers and setting new standards in the business world.

  • Howroyd’s pioneering spirit and unwavering dedication continue to inspire aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders, underscoring the importance of resilience, innovation, and a customer-centric approach in achieving sustainable growth.
  • Act-1’s growth trajectory and unparalleled success stand as a testament to Howroyd’s visionary leadership and her unwavering commitment to excellence, setting a shining example for the next generation of trailblazers in the business industry.

Act-1’s Growth and Success

Get ready to witness the phenomenal growth and success of Act-1 under the visionary leadership of Janice Bryant. From its humble beginnings in 1978, Act-1 has evolved into a billion-dollar enterprise, setting new standards in the staffing industry.

Howroyd’s unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation has propelled the company to unparalleled heights.

  1. The evolution of Act-1 is a testament to Howroyd’s dedication and foresight. What started as a small venture has transformed into a powerhouse, offering a wide array of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of clients and job seekers. The company’s expansion and diversification have solidified its reputation as a leader in the industry, setting it apart from the competition.
  2. Act-1’s success can be attributed to its relentless pursuit of providing exceptional service and value to its customers. By prioritizing client satisfaction and continuously adapting to market demands, the company has established long-lasting relationships and garnered a loyal customer base. Howroyd’s emphasis on quality and integrity has been the driving force behind Act-1’s continued growth and success.
  3. The remarkable achievements of Act-1 underscore the transformative impact of Janice Bryant Howroyd’s leadership. With a keen eye for opportunities and a bold vision for the future, she has steered the company towards unprecedented success. Act-1’s ability to innovate, adapt, and thrive in a competitive industry is a testament to Howroyd’s entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen.

In conclusion, Act-1’s growth and success exemplify the resilience and determination of Janice Bryant Howroyd as a trailblazer in the business world.

Her unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with a passion for empowering others, has propelled Act-1 to the forefront of the staffing industry.

As we celebrate the remarkable journey of Act-1 under Howroyd’s leadership, let us be inspired by her remarkable achievements and the enduring legacy she has created.

Breaking Barriers and Shattering Glass Ceilings

Breaking Barriers and Shattering Glass Ceilings

Janice Bryant Howroyd’s journey is a testament to breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings in the business world.

As the first African-American woman to own a billion-dollar company, she has paved the way for diversity and inclusion in entrepreneurship.

Howroyd’s remarkable achievements serve as an inspiration to individuals from underrepresented communities, showcasing that success knows no bounds when passion and determination drive one’s path.

Her trailblazing spirit and unwavering commitment to excellence have not only propelled Act-1 to great heights but have also redefined conventional norms in the industry.

By challenging stereotypes and societal expectations, Howroyd has proven that resilience and vision can lead to unprecedented success.

Through her groundbreaking accomplishments, she has shattered the glass ceiling for women and minorities, setting a new standard for aspiring entrepreneurs to follow.

The recognition and accolades bestowed upon Janice Bryant Howroyd underscore her significant contributions to the business world.

Her unwavering dedication and pioneering spirit have earned her prestigious awards, solidifying her position as a top mogul in the industry.

Howroyd’s impact goes beyond financial success; it extends to creating a more inclusive and diverse landscape where individuals from all backgrounds can thrive and excel.

Janice Bryant’s legacy as a groundbreaking entrepreneur and visionary leader continues to resonate in the business sphere.

Her journey of breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for aspiring business leaders, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and embracing diversity.

As we celebrate her accomplishments, let us remember the transformative power of determination and passion in driving positive change and innovation in the business world.

Awards & Recognitions – Janice Bryant Howroyd

Awards and Recognitions

Celebrating Excellence

Janice Bryant Howroyd’s exceptional contributions to the business industry have not gone unnoticed.

Throughout her illustrious career, she has been adorned with numerous awards and honors that underscore her outstanding achievements.

These accolades serve as testaments to her unwavering commitment to excellence and dedication to success.

Industry Acclaim

One of the most notable recognitions bestowed upon Howroyd was being named the 2012 BLACK ENTERPRISE Industrial/Service Company of the Year.

This prestigious award not only highlights Act-1’s position as a leader in the industry but also showcases Howroyd’s unparalleled business acumen and leadership skills.

It is a testament to her vision and the impact she has made in the business world.

Trailblazer in Diversity

As a minority-woman-owned company, Act-1 stands as a beacon of diversity and inclusion in the business landscape.

Howroyd’s pioneering efforts in breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings have paved the way for other underrepresented communities to thrive in the corporate world.

Her trailblazing achievements have not only opened doors but have also created a more inclusive and equitable society.

Inspiring Future Generations

Howroyd’s remarkable journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders, particularly women and individuals from diverse backgrounds.

By receiving prestigious awards and accolades, she has not only elevated her own status but has also set a precedent for others to follow.

Howroyd’s success story embodies the power of perseverance, hard work, and a clear vision in achieving one’s goals.

A Legacy of Excellence

As we celebrate Janice Bryant Howroyd’s remarkable achievements and accolades, we recognize the enduring legacy she has built in the business world.

Her trailblazing spirit, unwavering determination, and relentless pursuit of excellence have left an indelible mark on the industry.

Howroyd’s story is a testament to the power of diversity, inclusion, and innovation in driving success and creating a more vibrant and dynamic business environment.

Janice Bryant Howroyd – America’s Top Mogul


In conclusion, Janice Bryant Howroyd’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming a top mogul in the business world is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Her resilience, determination, and groundbreaking achievements have set her apart as a true visionary in the industry.

Through the founding of The ActOne Group, she has not only achieved immense success but has also paved the way for others to follow in her footsteps.

Janice Bryant Howroyd’s story is a testament to the power of hard work, perseverance, and unwavering belief in oneself.

As we reflect on her incredible accomplishments and the barriers she has broken, we are reminded that anything is possible with passion and dedication.

Janice Bryant Howroyd is a shining example of what can be achieved when one dares to dream big and never gives up on their goals.

Let her story inspire you to reach for the stars and make your mark on the world.

To gain further insight into the remarkable journey of Janice Bryant Howroyd in establishing her billion-dollar empire, consider exploring her insightful books through the links provided below.

  1. Acting Up: Winning in Business and Life Using Down-Home Wisdom
  2. The Strangest Secret: Enhanced for the 21st Century
  3. The Art of Work: How to Make Work, Work for You
Fireside Chat: Her First Billion – Janice Bryant Howroyd ‘Watch Full Video’

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