Animal Based Diet
The Full Guide to the ‘Animal Based Diet’ – Animal Based Diet

Hello, fellow bio-hacking pioneers. Are you ready to embark on a new culinary exploit that defines our primal past? Welcome to the guide that reveals all about what has been dubbed the “superior diet”: The Animal Based Diet.

Introduction to the Animal Based Diet

Now, unveil it. The animal based diet emphasizes the consumption of animal products. Believe it or not, it sweeps aside the plant-based foods we’ve been told to adore.

Picture this: A diet abundant in the best meats, fish, eggs, and animal fats, with a hint of fruit, raw dairy, raw honey, and organic maple syrup. No seed oils. No grains. Just pure, unadulterated animal produce.

It’s not just a diet. It’s a philosophy, grounded in evolutionary wisdom. After all, our ancestors thrived on high protein, nutrient-dense animal produce.

Isn’t it logical, then, to return to our primal roots? And here’s the catch.

Let’s not forget about modern agricultural practices and processed foods, the villains behind many health issues.

Doesn’t an animal based diet sound like a refreshing alternative?

Philosophy And Evolutionary Perspective

The philosophy pivots on an evolutionary perspective. That is, humans evolved primarily as carnivores.

Our ancestors relished diets brimming with animal products – the elixir that fueled their survival and development.

Modern degeneration has its roots in the agricultural revolution. The introduction of processed foods have played the villain, spawning a host of contemporary health issues.

Think obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases. Aren’t these the scourges of modern civilization?

Scientific research backs this up. Animal products pack a nutritional punch. A complete scorecard of essential amino acids.

Vitamins like B12, rare in plant foods. Minerals such as iron and zinc, delivered in their most bioavailable form.

All these make a compelling case for the animal-based diet.

Animal Based Diet
Benefits of the Animal Based Diet – Animal Based Diet

Benefits Of The Animal Based Diet

Nutritional Principles Of The Animal Based Diet

Let’s dive into the nutritional backbone of the animal-based diet.

  • Protein Powerhouse: The crescendo of this diet is high-quality, complete proteins. They are the building blocks of our body, fueling essential bodily functions.
  • Vitamins Aplenty: The diet delivers a vibrant cocktail of vitamins. Vitamin D3 and B12, crucial for bone health and nerve function, are plentiful in most meats.
  • Mineral Magic: Mineral deficiency is a bane of modern diets. Not so with the animal-based diet. Folate, Magnesium Glycinate, iron, zinc โ€“ theyโ€™re all here, in their most bioavailable forms.
  • Healthy Fats: Say goodbye to harmful seed oils. Welcome healthy animal fats, packed with omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Restricted Carbohydrates: Minimized intake of carbohydrates help maintain an optimal blood sugar level.

Comparison with Other Diets (Paleo/Keto)

Animal Based Diet: Back to the Stone Age

At first glance, the Paleo diet appears to be a sibling of the animal-based diet. Both emphasize whole foods and bid farewell to processed items. But look closely, and differences emerge.

Paleo allows a wider range of plant foods – think fruits, lots of vegetables, nuts, seeds.

Keto: The Low-Carb Maven

Keto, like its animal-based cousin, propagates the consumption of healthy fats and proteins. But itโ€™s obsessed with macronutrient ratios.

The goal: achieve ketosis. Plant-based fats like avocado and coconut oil fuel a significant portion of the Keto diet.

The Animal-Based Superiority

In contrast, the animal based diet isn’t tied down by macronutrient ratios.

Itโ€™s all about the quality and source of food. And the kingpin? Animal produce.

The aim: maximize nutrient intake, minimize anti-nutrients and toxins.

Animal Based Diet
Core Components Of The Animal Based Diet – Animal Based Diet

Core Components Of The Animal Based Diet

Imagine. A smorgasbord of meats. Beef, lamb, wild caught fish, poultry, and game meat. Each unique, each with its nutritional benefits.

Now imagine the health benefits. Improved body composition, reduced inflammation, a healthier gut. The animal based diet is not just a diet, itโ€™s an investment in health.

What about other components? Fruits are allowed, favoring those low in phytic acid. Raw dairy, rich in probiotics, is welcomed in moderation. Honey, natureโ€™s nectar, is the sweetener of choice.

Are you getting the picture? The animal based diet is not just about consumption. Itโ€™s about making informed, healthy choices. Itโ€™s about honoring our primal roots while embracing our modern lives.

Types of Meats Allowed

Let me whet your appetite with a list of the meats allowed on this diet:

  • Beef: Itโ€™s a staple, rich in high-quality protein, iron, and B vitamins. Different cuts, such as steak, ground beef, and organ meats like liver and heart, each with their own nutritional profiles.
  • Lamb: An excellent source of protein and healthy fats. Itโ€™s also high in vitamin B12 and zinc.
  • Game Meat/Bison: Bison is an excellent source of high-quality protein, b12, iron, omega 3’s and zinc.
  • Wild Caught Fish: Wild-caught fish are excellent sources of high-quality protein, which is crucial for muscle repair, growth, and overall body function. Also, it contains a great amount of Omega 3 fatty Acids. A true superfood.

The animal-based diet welcomes a wide range of meats, opening doors to a culinary adventure.

Animal Based Diet
Nutritional Benefits Of Each Type of Meat – Animal Based Diet

Nutritional Benefits Of Each Type of Meat

Beef is more than just protein. Consider the organ meats, particularly liver. Itโ€™s a cocktail of vitamin A, B12, and iron. Dubbed “nature’s multivitamin,” they offer a dense nutrient profile.

Lamb showcases its own star: conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Research has demonstrated that CLA offers various health benefits, including improved body composition and reduced inflammation.

Poultry, versatile and lean, is an excellent source of protein and essential amino acids. Itโ€™s a lighter, healthier alternative to red meat.

Game meats, such as venison, bison, and elk, are lean and high in omega-3 fatty acids. These meats provide a unique nutritional profile that complements other meats in the diet.

Cooking Methods And Recipes

Cooking methods matter as they influence the nutritional profile and taste. Here are some of them:

Grilling. Think steaks and chops, seared to perfection, with a smoky flavor while preserving most nutrients.

Roasting. Ideal for larger cuts like roasts and whole poultry. The slow, even heat retains moisture and flavor.

Slow cooking. Perfect for tougher cuts, it breaks down connective tissue, making the meat tender and flavorful.

Sous Vide. This method involves cooking meat in a vacuum-sealed bag at a precise temperature, ensuring even cooking and maximum nutrient retention.

Pan-searing. Quick and effective for smaller cuts like steaks and chops. A flavorful crust on the outside, juicy inside.

Now, let’s look at a sample recipe: Beef Liver Pรขtรฉ.

Sample Recipe: Beef Liver Pรขtรฉ

Beef Liver1 lb
Garlic2 cloves
Heavy Cream1/2 cup
Butter4 tbsp
Saltto taste
Pepperto taste
Sample Recipe – Animal Based Diet


  • Heat 2 tbsp of butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and minced garlic, sautรฉing until translucent.
  • Add the liver to the skillet and cook until browned on the outside and slightly pink in the center.
  • Transfer the liver, onions, and garlic to a food processor. Add the remaining butter and heavy cream, blending until smooth.
  • Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve chilled with cucumber slices or on a bed of greens.

Sample Daily Meal Plan

Now, let’s bring it all together with a sample daily meal plan.

Breakfast: Scramble some pastured eggs with grass-fed butter. Serve with a side of smoked salmon for an omega-3 boost.

Lunch: Try a grass-fed steak with avocado, and a homemade dressing of raw apple cider vinegar and olive oil.

Dinner: Pan-sear a grass-fed rib-eye steak. Pair with a side of roasted bone marrow and a light salad of fresh fruit.

Snacks: Keep it simple with raw cheese, boiled eggs, or organic grass-fed beef jerky

Remember, the key is to find animal-based foods you love and that make you feel your best.

Enjoy this nutritional powerhouse as part of your animal-based diet journey!

Supplements Needed On An Animal Based Diet – Animal Based Diet

Supplements Needed On An Animal Based Diet

On an Animal Based Diet, while the emphasis is on obtaining essential nutrients from animal products. There are a few supplements that may be beneficial to consider to ensure nutritional adequacy and support overall health.

Here are some key supplements often recommended for those following an Animal Based Diet:

1. Vitamin D3

  • Why: Vitamin D is primarily synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight, but many people may not get enough sun exposure, especially in certain climates or during winter months. Vitamin D is crucial for bone health, immune function, and various other physiological processes.
  • Source: Although fatty fish like salmon and sardines provide some vitamin D, supplementation may be necessary to achieve optimal levels, especially if sun exposure is limited.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA)

  • Why: While fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are rich sources of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which are essential omega-3 fatty acids, the intake of these may vary. EPA and DHA are vital for heart health, brain function, and reducing inflammation.
  • Source: Consider a high-quality fish oil supplement derived from wild-caught fish to ensure adequate intake of EPA and DHA.

3. Vitamin B12

  • Why: Vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal products and is essential for nerve function, DNA synthesis, and red blood cell formation. While meat, fish, and eggs provide B12, supplementation may be necessary for those who have absorption issues or follow strict dietary restrictions.
  • Source: Choose methylcobalamin or hydroxocobalamin forms of B12 for better absorption.

4. Magnesium Glycinate

  • Why: Magnesium is crucial for muscle and nerve function, energy production, and bone health. While animal products contain some magnesium, supplementation may be needed to meet daily requirements, especially if intake from food is insufficient.
  • Source: Magnesium citrate or glycinate are well-absorbed forms that are commonly recommended.

5. Vitamin K2

  • Why: Vitamin K2 plays a critical role in bone health by directing calcium to the bones and away from soft tissues. It is found in small amounts in animal products, but supplementation may be beneficial, especially for those with limited intake of high-K2 foods like organ meats and certain cheeses.
  • Source: Look for MK-7 (menaquinone-7) as it has a longer half-life in the body compared to other forms.

6. Iron (for women of childbearing age)

  • Why: While red meat is a good source of heme iron (easily absorbed form of iron), some individuals, especially women of childbearing age, may need additional iron supplementation to prevent iron deficiency anemia.
  • Source: Consult with a healthcare provider to determine if iron supplementation is necessary and the appropriate dosage.

7. Electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium)

  • Why: Electrolytes are minerals that help regulate fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contraction. On a low-carb Animal Based Diet, there may be a need to supplement electrolytes to prevent symptoms of deficiency like fatigue, muscle cramps, and headaches.
  • Source: Consider electrolyte supplements that contain sodium, potassium, and magnesium to maintain electrolyte balance.


  • Individual Needs: The necessity for supplements can vary based on factors such as age, gender, health status, and dietary intake.
  • Quality: Choose supplements from reputable brands that undergo third-party testing to ensure purity, potency, and absence of contaminants.
  • Consultation: Itโ€™s advisable to consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian before starting any new supplement regimen to determine your specific needs and ensure safety.

By incorporating these supplements as needed, individuals following an Animal Based Diet can optimize their nutritional intake and support overall health and well-being.

Debunking The Myths – Animal Based Diet

Debunking The Myths

Of course, any diet that goes against conventional wisdom will face its share of skepticism and criticism. The Animal Based Diet is no different.

Let’s address the elephant in the room – sustainability. Critics often raise concerns about the environmental impact of animal agriculture.

They argue that if everyone followed an Animal Based Diet, it would lead to deforestation, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and other environmental issues.

Here’s the thing, though. These arguments often overlook the potential benefits of well-managed, pasture-based livestock systems.

These systems can help to build soil health, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon.

Moreover, comparing the environmental impact of diets is complex. It depends on many factors, including how food is produced, processed, transported, and wasted.

It’s not as simple as saying “plant-based diets good, and animal-based diets bad.”

Another common myth is that the Animal Based Diet is its restrictive. But is it really?

When you start exploring the wide variety of animal-based foods – different meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, organ meats, bone broths, and more. You might just find that it opens up a whole new world of culinary possibilities.

In Conclusion: Animal Based Diet Myths

Finally, there’s the health aspect. Some critics worry that a diet high in animal products could lead to nutrient deficiencies or increase the risk of diseases like heart disease or cancer.

However, these concerns are often based on outdated or flawed science. More recent research suggests that animal foods aren’t the villains they’ve been made out to be.

In fact, they’re nutrient powerhouses that can be part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Conclusion & Key Takeaways – Animal Based Diet

Conclusion & Key Takeaways

In the end, it’s clear why the animal-based diet is often called the superior diet.

It takes us back to our primal paleo roots. It emphasizes nutrient-dense, grass-fed meats, and shuns potentially harmful seed oils.

Whether you’re a bio-hacking enthusiast or someone seeking a healthier lifestyle, the animal-based diet could be the answer.

So why wait? Embrace this diet today. Remember, this is not just about shedding pounds. It’s about changing your life. Live primal. Live healthy.

If you’ve ever felt sluggish on a plant-centric diet, the answer could be as simple as exploring the bountiful world of animal products. With the animal-based diet, you’re not just eating food. You’re consuming energy, vitality, and health wrapped up in delicious, nutrient-dense meals.

Take the plunge into this world of primal paleo eating. See the transformation as this superior diet works its magic.

Experience increased energy, improved digestion, and a sense of overall wellbeing.

In Essence

The animal-based diet is more than just another eating plan. It’s a return to our evolutionary roots, a rejection of processed foods, and a celebration of nutrient-dense, whole animal products.

Each bite nourishes your body, enriches your health, and fuels your life. No gimmicks, no trends, no fads – just wholesome animal-based foods.

Let’s dive into this primal paleo lifestyle and taste the magic of the superior diet.

Here’s to your health, vitality, and longevity. Here’s to thriving on the animal-based diet.

Let the journey begin!

Essential Vitamins & Minerals on a Animal Based Diet

Maintaining a balanced intake of essential vitamins and minerals is crucial for anyone following a animal based diet. Ensuring youโ€™re getting the right nutrients supports overall health and well-being. To monitor your vitamin and mineral levels, consider visitingย Health Labsย for a comprehensive analysis.

Dr. Paul Saladino’s Animal Based Diet 101 – Watch Full Video

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, please contact your primary doctor before starting a new diet and nutritional program.

It is always important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or nutrition plan.

Your doctor can provide personalized guidance based on your individual health needs and ensure that any new program is safe and appropriate for you.

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